Gozo the Glorious…| Fawn | 33kg |
Gozo is a gracious young man, who was known at the racetracks as ‘Long Gully Gozo’... who wont take long to win you over!
Specific requirements:
- Gozo can live as an only dog, or with a medium to large sized female for company.
- Gozo is suitable to be home alone for full time hours.
- Suitable to be with children over the age of 12.
- Cannot live with poultry or pocket pets.
- Gozo has potential to live with a cat.
What we have noticed:
- Gozo is very confident and friendly towards people.
- Loves playing and walking with his humans.
- Food and enrichment games are a great way to keep Gozo entertained.
- Gozo, when he gets to know you, will love pats and cuddles... as much as he can get!