Greyhounds for adoption


3 Years Old
No cat potential
Children over 8
Suitable as only dog
Can be alone for full time hours

Special Stella ... | White & Black | 26kg

Special Stella, who raced previously as 'Stella Mania,' is a lovely little soul available to foster or foster to adopt.

Specific requirements:

  • Stella would prefer to be the only dog in her new home
  • She is fine to be on her own for full time hours
  • Stella can live in a home with children over the age of 8
  • She is not suitable to live with cats, poultry or pocket pets

What we have noticed:

  • Stella is a quiet and independent girl who is happy to do her own thing when people are out of the home
  • She is an affectionate girl who loves a pat
  • Stella already has experience living in a home and is fine to keep herself entertained
  • While she is happy to meet dogs when out and about, she would prefer to avoid them and is very much a 'people' dog
  • Stella love short walks and can be playful for short bursts but mainly likes to relax.
  • She can be reserved at first but warms up to people in no time.
  • Responds well to treats and she is very appreciative of belly rubs
  • Stella enjoys her zoomies and fluffy toys!

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